Figure 7 RT-PCR Validation of REAP-Predicted Alternative Exons (A) Probesets (exons) were considered REAP[+] candidates if they contained at least N = 2 (white bars), 3 (gray bars), or 4 (black bars) significant outliers. True positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN) rates were calculated from RT-PCR-validated REAP[+] exons at the different cutoffs (N = 2, 3, 4). (B) Nine RT-PCR validated REAP[+] AS events in hESCs (Cyt-ES and HUES6-ES), derived NPs (Cyt-NP and HUES6-NP), and hCNS-SCns. Arrows indicate the larger (exon-included) isoforms and smaller (exon-skipped) isoforms. (C) RT-PCR of REAP[+] alternative exons from EHBP1, SLK, and RAI14 across a panel of human tissues. Arrows indicate the larger (exon-included) isoforms and smaller (exon-skipped) isoforms.