Deriving neural progenitors (NP) from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is the first step in creating homogeneous populations of cells that will differentiate into myriad neuronal subtypes necessary to form a human brain. During alternative RNA splicing (AS), noncoding sequences (introns) in a pre-mRNA are differentially removed in different cell types and tissues, and the remaining sequences (exons) are joined to form multiple forms of mature RNA, playing an important role in cellular diversity. The authors utilized Affymetrix exon arrays with probes targeting hundreds of thousands of exons to study AS comparing human ES to NP. To accomplish this, a novel computational method, REAP (Regression-based Exon Array Protocol), is introduced to analyze the exon array data. The authors showed that REAP candidates are consistent with other types of methods for discovering alternative exons. In addition, REAP candidate alternative exons are enriched in genes encoding serine/theronine kinases and helicase activities. An example is the alternative exon in the SLK (serine/threonine kinase 2) gene that is included in hESC, but excluded in NP as well as in other differentiated tissues. Finally, by comparing genomic sequences across multiple mammals, the authors identified dozens of conserved candidate binding sites that were enriched proximal to REAP candidate exons.