> top > docs > PMC:1920263 > spans > 37264-37363 > annotations

PMC:1920263 / 37264-37363 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13658 0-10 Protein denotes Luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T17206 93-98 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005623 denotes cells


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15883 0-10 NNP denotes Luciferase
T15884 11-19 NN denotes reporter
T15885 20-26 VBZ denotes assays
T15886 27-33 VBD denotes showed
T15887 34-38 IN denotes that
T15888 39-43 DT denotes this
T15889 44-52 NN denotes promoter
T15890 53-56 VBD denotes was
T15891 57-74 RB denotes transcriptionally
T15892 75-81 JJ denotes active
T15893 82-84 IN denotes in
T15894 85-87 CD denotes A3
T15895 87-90 CD denotes .01
T15896 91-92 NNP denotes T
T15897 93-98 NNS denotes cells
T15898 98-99 . denotes .
R12905 T15883 T15884 compound Luciferase,reporter
R12906 T15884 T15885 compound reporter,assays
R12907 T15885 T15886 nsubj assays,showed
R12908 T15886 T15886 ROOT showed,showed
R12909 T15887 T15890 mark that,was
R12910 T15888 T15889 det this,promoter
R12911 T15889 T15890 nsubj promoter,was
R12912 T15890 T15886 ccomp was,showed
R12913 T15891 T15892 advmod transcriptionally,active
R12914 T15892 T15890 acomp active,was
R12915 T15893 T15892 prep in,active
R12916 T15894 T15897 nummod A3,cells
R12917 T15895 T15897 nummod .01,cells
R12918 T15896 T15897 compound T,cells
R12919 T15897 T15893 pobj cells,in
R12920 T15898 T15886 punct .,showed


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13988 0-99 Sentence denotes Luciferase reporter assays showed that this promoter was transcriptionally active in A3.01 T cells.
T264 0-99 Sentence denotes Luciferase reporter assays showed that this promoter was transcriptionally active in A3.01 T cells.


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14285 0-10 NN denotes Luciferase
T14286 11-19 NN denotes reporter
T14287 20-26 NN denotes assays
T14288 27-33 VB denotes showed
T14289 34-38 IN denotes that
T14290 39-43 DT denotes this
T14291 44-52 NN denotes promoter
T14292 53-56 VB denotes was
T14293 57-74 RB denotes transcriptionally
T14294 75-81 JJ denotes active
T14295 82-84 IN denotes in
T14296 85-92 NN denotes A3.01 T
T14297 93-98 NN denotes cells
R11412 T14287 T14285 arg1Of assays,Luciferase
R11413 T14287 T14286 arg1Of assays,reporter
R11414 T14287 T14288 arg1Of assays,showed
R11415 T14291 T14290 arg1Of promoter,this
R11416 T14291 T14292 arg1Of promoter,was
R11417 T14291 T14294 arg1Of promoter,active
R11418 T14292 T14288 arg2Of was,showed
R11419 T14292 T14289 arg1Of was,that
R11420 T14292 T14295 arg1Of was,in
R11421 T14294 T14292 arg2Of active,was
R11422 T14294 T14293 arg1Of active,transcriptionally
R11423 T14297 T14295 arg2Of cells,in
R11424 T14297 T14296 arg1Of cells,A3.01 T


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18036 0-10 Protein denotes Luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T18205 0-10 Protein denotes Luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T13816 0-10 Protein denotes Luciferase


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15517 0-10 P08659 denotes Luciferase