GABA Neurotransmitter in the Rb KO Retina and Abnormal SACs in Chx10-Cre;RbloxP/loxP Retina Horizontal sections of the indicated genotypes and ages of retina were stained for nuclei (DAPI, blue), and (A and B) GABA (red) and Slc18a3 (green) or (C) Chat and Slc18a3 (red). (A) In P18 WT retina, GABA labelled four IPL tracks, of which the two inner tracks co-stained with Slc18a3. The latter tracks disappeared in the Rb KO retina, and were rescued by E2f3 KO but not E2f1 KO. (B) At the boundary of the WT (central) and Rb KO area (peripheral retina) the inner GABA+ SAC tracks can be seen disappearing towards the periphery (left). (C) Slc18a3 staining in the IPL of Chx10-Cre;RbloxP/loxP retina is consistent with the mosaic pattern of Rb inactivation. Scale bars are 50 μm. (633 KB PDF)