Analysis of ITPR1 in SCA15 patients. DNA was extracted from EBV immortalized lymphocytes, derived from family members. The coding exons and at least 50 bp of flanking introns of ITPR1 were PCR amplified and sequenced using dye-terminator sequencing (BigDye version 3.1; Applied Biosystems, Sequence reactions were run on an ABI3730XP automated sequencer as per the manufacturer's instructions (Applied Biosystems). This analysis was performed in all three affected family members for whom genomic DNA was available (members 6, 7, and 19). Primer sequences and conditions are available upon request. Sequence data were analyzed using Sequencher (Gene Codes Corporation, Genome-wide SNP genotyping was performed using Infinium HumanHap550 SNP genotyping chips as per the manufacturer's protocol (Illumina, This product assays 555,352 unique SNPs. Data were collected using the Illumina BeadStation scanner and data collection software. Genotypes were produced using the genotyping module of BeadStudio (version 2.3.25; Illumina), and log R ratio and B allele frequency were visualized using the genome viewer tool within this package. In order to rule out the possibility that the observed deletion within ITPR1 was a benign copy number variant we examined log R ratio and B allele frequency metrics of HumanHap550 genotyping data at this locus from 577 individuals of Northern European descent from North America and Europe, produced by us as a part of an ongoing study. In an attempt to narrow the unknown intervals flanking the deletion observed in family AUS1, we designed primers for 30 PCR amplifications that would generate overlapping fragments across the two bordering regions (primer sequence and conditions available upon request). There were ten primer pairs in the telomeric flanking region and 20 pairs in the centromeric flanking region (Figure S3). On average each product was ~750 bp in size, and amplifications were performed using genomic DNA from each of the three affected individuals (family members 6, 7, and 19). Dye-terminator sequencing of each product was performed using the forward and reverse primers designed for amplification; running and analysis of each fragment was performed as described above. Amplification of a fragment from a normal diploid genome was denoted by the presence of a heterozygous polymorphism; amplification of a fragment from a region of the genome harboring a heterozygous genomic deletion was inferred when homozygosity for the major allele and the minor allele were noted among the three affected family members (i.e., this is inconsistent with Mendelian inheritance in related individuals known to share a common haplotype). Using the data from the experiments described above we were able to limit the size of unknown regions flanking the deletion to ~4 kb on the telomeric side and 7 kb on the centromeric side. All combinations of forward primers from the newly defined region flanking the deletion on the telomeric side with reverse primers from the newly defined region flanking the deletion on the centromeric side were used in PCR amplification reactions performed with DNA from the three affected family members and single unaffected family members. This experiment was performed in an attempt to amplify across the deleted fragment and define the exact breakpoint. A single fragment was obtained from the third forward primer from the telomeric side (T3f 5′-TGAATGCTCAATTTTCCAGC-3′) with the 11th reverse primer from the centromeric side (C11r 5′-GGGAAAATGGATAGAGGGTG-3′). The fragment, which is 953 bp in size, was sequenced as described above and compared to the current build of the human genome. A similar series of experiments was performed to identify the deletion breakpoints in families H27 and H33; we were able to amplify a 369-bp PCR product across the breakpoint found in affected members of family H27 using primer pair H27-11F 5′-GACCTCAAGAAGGCATGAATAC-3′ and H27-3R 5′-ATGGTGGCCAGGTACACAAG-3′ (Figure S4), but to date we have been unable to identify the breakpoint in family H33.