RBMY Silencing in Dmrt7 Mutant Spermatocytes (A) SYCP3 (green) and RBMY (red) immunostaining of spread wild-type and Dmrt7 mutant testicular cells. In wild-type and mutant cells, RBMY is expressed at low levels in leptotene stage. In pachytene spermatocytes, RBMY has fallen to background levels in both wild-type and mutant. (B) SUMO-1 (green) and RBMY (red) immunostaining of adult testis sections from wild-type and Dmrt7 mutant. Pre-meiotic cells near the basal membrane express high level of RBMY whereas SUMO-1-positive pachytene cells do not express RBMY, in both wild-type and mutant, indicating proper silencing. (5.4 MB JPG)