Figure 6 Abnormal Sertoli Cell Organization in Dmrt7 Mutant Testes (A) Testes from P14 wild-type and Dmrt7 mutant mice were sectioned and stained with antibody to GATA4. (B) P14 testis sections stained with antibody to GATA1. At P14, GATA4 and GATA1 levels are similar in wild-type and mutant Sertoli cell. (C) Wild-type and mutant testis sections double-stained with antibody to GATA1 (red) and DAPI (blue). Most Sertoli cell nuclei were adjacent to the basal membrane in wild-type, but mutant Sertoli cells were displaced in some tubules (arrowhead). White dotted line indicates position of basal membranes. (D) Testis sections from 10-wk-old wild-type and Sertoli cell-specific Dmrt7 mutant (SC-Dmrt7KO) mice stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis are normal in SC-Dmrt7KO testis. (E) Testis sections from 10-wk-old wild-type and SC-Dmrt7KO mice stained with antibodies to GATA1 (red) and smooth muscle actin (to outline seminiferous tubules; green). Sertoli cell nuclei are positioned normally near the basal membrane in SC-Dmrt7KO mice.