> top > docs > PMC:1853120 > spans > 21077-21169 > annotations

PMC:1853120 / 21077-21169 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T29031 0-1 -LRB- denotes (
T29032 1-2 LS denotes A
T29033 28-34 VBZ denotes stains
T29034 2-3 -RRB- denotes )
T29035 4-9 NN denotes TRA98
T29036 10-18 NN denotes antibody
T29037 19-27 RB denotes strongly
T29038 35-48 NNS denotes spermatogonia
T29039 48-50 , denotes ,
T29040 50-55 WDT denotes which
T29041 56-59 VBP denotes are
T29042 60-67 JJ denotes present
T29043 68-70 IN denotes in
T29044 71-75 JJ denotes wild
T29045 76-80 NN denotes type
T29046 75-76 HYPH denotes -
T29047 81-84 CC denotes and
T29048 85-91 NN denotes mutant
T29049 91-92 . denotes .
R8144 T29031 T29032 punct (,A
R8145 T29032 T29033 meta A,stains
R8146 T29034 T29032 punct ),A
R8147 T29035 T29036 compound TRA98,antibody
R8148 T29036 T29033 nsubj antibody,stains
R8149 T29037 T29033 advmod strongly,stains
R8150 T29038 T29033 dobj spermatogonia,stains
R8151 T29039 T29038 punct ", ",spermatogonia
R8152 T29040 T29041 dep which,are
R8153 T29041 T29038 relcl are,spermatogonia
R8154 T29042 T29041 acomp present,are
R8155 T29043 T29041 prep in,are
R8156 T29044 T29045 amod wild,type
R8157 T29045 T29043 pobj type,in
R8158 T29046 T29045 punct -,type
R8159 T29047 T29045 cc and,type
R8160 T29048 T29045 conj mutant,type
R8161 T29049 T29033 punct .,stains


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28947 10-18 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28948 35-48 CL:0000020 denotes spermatogonia


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28971 10-18 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28972 35-48 CL:0000020 denotes spermatogonia
T28973 71-80 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T28974 85-91 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutant