> top > docs > PMC:1853120 > spans > 20869-21361 > annotations

PMC:1853120 / 20869-21361 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28985 10-18 NN denotes Prophase
T28986 21-27 NN denotes Arrest
T28987 19-20 CD denotes I
T28988 28-30 IN denotes of
T28989 31-36 NN denotes Dmrt7
T28990 37-43 NN denotes Mutant
T28991 49-54 NNS denotes Cells
T28992 44-48 NN denotes Germ
T28993 54-207 sentence denotes Testis sections from 6-wk-old wild-type (+/+) and Dmrt7 mutant (−/−) littermates stained with stage-specific antibodies specific to spermatogenic cells.
T28994 55-61 NN denotes Testis
T28995 62-70 NNS denotes sections
T28996 71-75 IN denotes from
T28997 76-77 CD denotes 6
T28998 78-80 NN denotes wk
T28999 77-78 HYPH denotes -
T29000 81-84 JJ denotes old
T29001 80-81 HYPH denotes -
T29002 124-135 NNS denotes littermates
T29003 85-89 JJ denotes wild
T29004 90-94 NN denotes type
T29005 89-90 HYPH denotes -
T29006 95-96 -LRB- denotes (
T29007 98-99 SYM denotes +
T29008 96-97 SYM denotes +
T29009 97-98 HYPH denotes /
T29010 99-100 -RRB- denotes )
T29011 101-104 CC denotes and
T29012 105-110 NN denotes Dmrt7
T29013 111-117 NN denotes mutant
T29014 118-119 -LRB- denotes (
T29015 121-122 SYM denotes
T29016 119-120 SYM denotes
T29017 120-121 HYPH denotes /
T29018 122-123 -RRB- denotes )
T29019 136-143 VBN denotes stained
T29020 144-148 IN denotes with
T29021 149-154 NN denotes stage
T29022 155-163 JJ denotes specific
T29023 154-155 HYPH denotes -
T29024 164-174 NNS denotes antibodies
T29025 175-183 JJ denotes specific
T29026 184-186 IN denotes to
T29027 187-200 JJ denotes spermatogenic
T29028 201-206 NNS denotes cells
T29029 206-207 . denotes .
T29030 207-300 sentence denotes (A) TRA98 antibody strongly stains spermatogonia, which are present in wild-type and mutant.
T29031 208-209 -LRB- denotes (
T29032 209-210 LS denotes A
T29033 236-242 VBZ denotes stains
T29034 210-211 -RRB- denotes )
T29035 212-217 NN denotes TRA98
T29036 218-226 NN denotes antibody
T29037 227-235 RB denotes strongly
T29038 243-256 NNS denotes spermatogonia
T29039 256-258 , denotes ,
T29040 258-263 WDT denotes which
T29041 264-267 VBP denotes are
T29042 268-275 JJ denotes present
T29043 276-278 IN denotes in
T29044 279-283 JJ denotes wild
T29045 284-288 NN denotes type
T29046 283-284 HYPH denotes -
T29047 289-292 CC denotes and
T29048 293-299 NN denotes mutant
T29049 299-300 . denotes .
T29050 300-382 sentence denotes (B) BC7 antibody stains spermatocytes, which are present in wild-type and mutant.
T29051 301-302 -LRB- denotes (
T29052 302-303 LS denotes B
T29053 318-324 VBZ denotes stains
T29054 303-304 -RRB- denotes )
T29055 305-308 NN denotes BC7
T29056 309-317 NN denotes antibody
T29057 325-338 NNS denotes spermatocytes
T29058 338-340 , denotes ,
T29059 340-345 WDT denotes which
T29060 346-349 VBP denotes are
T29061 350-357 JJ denotes present
T29062 358-360 IN denotes in
T29063 361-365 JJ denotes wild
T29064 366-370 NN denotes type
T29065 365-366 HYPH denotes -
T29066 371-374 CC denotes and
T29067 375-381 NN denotes mutant
T29068 381-382 . denotes .
T29069 382-492 sentence denotes (C) TRA369 antibody stains pachytene and later germ cells, which are severely deficient in the mutant testis.
T29070 383-384 -LRB- denotes (
T29071 384-385 LS denotes C
T29072 403-409 VBZ denotes stains
T29073 385-386 -RRB- denotes )
T29074 387-393 NN denotes TRA369
T29075 394-402 NN denotes antibody
T29076 410-419 NN denotes pachytene
T29077 435-440 NNS denotes cells
T29078 420-423 CC denotes and
T29079 424-429 JJ denotes later
T29080 430-434 NN denotes germ
T29081 440-442 , denotes ,
T29082 442-447 WDT denotes which
T29083 448-451 VBP denotes are
T29084 452-460 RB denotes severely
T29085 461-470 JJ denotes deficient
T29086 471-473 IN denotes in
T29087 474-477 DT denotes the
T29088 485-491 NN denotes testis
T29089 478-484 NN denotes mutant
T29090 491-492 . denotes .
R8102 T28985 T28986 nmod Prophase,Arrest
R8103 T28987 T28985 nummod I,Prophase
R8104 T28988 T28986 prep of,Arrest
R8105 T28989 T28990 compound Dmrt7,Mutant
R8106 T28990 T28991 compound Mutant,Cells
R8107 T28991 T28988 pobj Cells,of
R8108 T28992 T28991 compound Germ,Cells
R8109 T28994 T28995 compound Testis,sections
R8110 T28996 T28995 prep from,sections
R8111 T28997 T28998 nummod 6,wk
R8112 T28998 T29000 npadvmod wk,old
R8113 T28999 T28998 punct -,wk
R8114 T29000 T29002 amod old,littermates
R8115 T29001 T29000 punct -,old
R8116 T29002 T28996 pobj littermates,from
R8117 T29003 T29004 amod wild,type
R8118 T29004 T29002 nmod type,littermates
R8119 T29005 T29004 punct -,type
R8120 T29006 T29007 punct (,+
R8121 T29007 T29004 punct +,type
R8122 T29008 T29007 punct +,+
R8123 T29009 T29007 punct /,+
R8124 T29010 T29007 punct ),+
R8125 T29011 T29004 cc and,type
R8126 T29012 T29013 compound Dmrt7,mutant
R8127 T29013 T29004 conj mutant,type
R8128 T29014 T29015 punct (,−
R8129 T29015 T29013 punct −,mutant
R8130 T29016 T29015 punct −,−
R8131 T29017 T29015 punct /,−
R8132 T29018 T29015 punct ),−
R8133 T29019 T28995 acl stained,sections
R8134 T29020 T29019 prep with,stained
R8135 T29021 T29022 npadvmod stage,specific
R8136 T29022 T29024 amod specific,antibodies
R8137 T29023 T29022 punct -,specific
R8138 T29024 T29020 pobj antibodies,with
R8139 T29025 T29024 amod specific,antibodies
R8140 T29026 T29025 prep to,specific
R8141 T29027 T29028 amod spermatogenic,cells
R8142 T29028 T29026 pobj cells,to
R8143 T29029 T28995 punct .,sections
R8144 T29031 T29032 punct (,A
R8145 T29032 T29033 meta A,stains
R8146 T29034 T29032 punct ),A
R8147 T29035 T29036 compound TRA98,antibody
R8148 T29036 T29033 nsubj antibody,stains
R8149 T29037 T29033 advmod strongly,stains
R8150 T29038 T29033 dobj spermatogonia,stains
R8151 T29039 T29038 punct ", ",spermatogonia
R8152 T29040 T29041 dep which,are
R8153 T29041 T29038 relcl are,spermatogonia
R8154 T29042 T29041 acomp present,are
R8155 T29043 T29041 prep in,are
R8156 T29044 T29045 amod wild,type
R8157 T29045 T29043 pobj type,in
R8158 T29046 T29045 punct -,type
R8159 T29047 T29045 cc and,type
R8160 T29048 T29045 conj mutant,type
R8161 T29049 T29033 punct .,stains
R8162 T29051 T29052 punct (,B
R8163 T29052 T29053 meta B,stains
R8164 T29054 T29052 punct ),B
R8165 T29055 T29056 compound BC7,antibody
R8166 T29056 T29053 nsubj antibody,stains
R8167 T29057 T29053 dobj spermatocytes,stains
R8168 T29058 T29057 punct ", ",spermatocytes
R8169 T29059 T29060 dep which,are
R8170 T29060 T29057 relcl are,spermatocytes
R8171 T29061 T29060 acomp present,are
R8172 T29062 T29060 prep in,are
R8173 T29063 T29064 amod wild,type
R8174 T29064 T29062 pobj type,in
R8175 T29065 T29064 punct -,type
R8176 T29066 T29064 cc and,type
R8177 T29067 T29064 conj mutant,type
R8178 T29068 T29053 punct .,stains
R8179 T29070 T29071 punct (,C
R8180 T29071 T29072 meta C,stains
R8181 T29073 T29071 punct ),C
R8182 T29074 T29075 compound TRA369,antibody
R8183 T29075 T29072 nsubj antibody,stains
R8184 T29076 T29077 nmod pachytene,cells
R8185 T29077 T29072 dobj cells,stains
R8186 T29078 T29076 cc and,pachytene
R8187 T29079 T29076 conj later,pachytene
R8188 T29080 T29077 compound germ,cells
R8189 T29081 T29077 punct ", ",cells
R8190 T29082 T29083 dep which,are
R8191 T29083 T29077 relcl are,cells
R8192 T29084 T29085 advmod severely,deficient
R8193 T29085 T29083 acomp deficient,are
R8194 T29086 T29083 prep in,are
R8195 T29087 T29088 det the,testis
R8196 T29088 T29086 pobj testis,in
R8197 T29089 T29088 compound mutant,testis
R8198 T29090 T29072 punct .,stains


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28940 10-20 GO:0007128 denotes Prophase I
T28941 31-36 PR:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28942 44-54 CL:0000586 denotes Germ Cells
T28943 55-61 UBERON:0000473 denotes Testis
T28944 105-110 PR:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28945 164-174 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T28946 187-200 GO:0007283 denotes spermatogenic
T28947 218-226 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28948 243-256 CL:0000020 denotes spermatogonia
T28949 309-317 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28950 325-338 CL:0000017 denotes spermatocytes
T28951 394-402 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28952 410-419 GO:0000239 denotes pachytene
T28953 430-440 CL:0000586 denotes germ cells
T28954 485-491 UBERON:0000473 denotes testis


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T28955 10-20 GO:0007128 denotes Prophase I
T28956 31-36 PR_EXT:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28957 37-43 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes Mutant
T28958 44-54 CL:0000586 denotes Germ Cells
T28959 49-54 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes Cells
T28960 55-61 UBERON:0000473 denotes Testis
T28961 85-94 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T28962 96-97 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T28963 98-99 SO_EXT:normal_or_wild_type_or_present denotes +
T28964 105-110 PR_EXT:000006549 denotes Dmrt7
T28965 111-117 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T28966 119-120 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness_or_absence denotes
T28967 121-122 SO_EXT:sequence_nullness_or_absence denotes
T28968 164-174 GO:0042571 denotes antibodies
T28969 187-200 GO:0007283 denotes spermatogenic
T28970 201-206 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T28971 218-226 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28972 243-256 CL:0000020 denotes spermatogonia
T28973 279-288 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T28974 293-299 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutant
T28975 309-317 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28976 325-338 CL:0000017 denotes spermatocytes
T28977 361-370 SO_EXT:wild_type_entity_or_quality denotes wild-type
T28978 375-381 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity denotes mutant
T28979 394-402 GO:0042571 denotes antibody
T28980 410-419 GO:0000239 denotes pachytene
T28981 430-440 CL:0000586 denotes germ cells
T28982 435-440 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T28983 478-484 SO_EXT:sequence_altered_entity_or_alteration_process denotes mutant
T28984 485-491 UBERON:0000473 denotes testis