The common disorders to which susceptibility alleles have been related include obesity (alleles in 9 different genes), SLE (in 4), osteoporosis (in 4), osteoarthritis (in 4), asthma (in 11), myocardial infarction (in 13), coronary artery disease (5 susceptibility alleles and 1 resistance allele), and hypertension including preeclampsia (in 13). Susceptibility or resistance alleles have also been identified for a variety of infections, including tuberculosis, leprosy, Helicobacter pylori, Legionnaire disease, cerebral malaria, and, notably, HIV/AIDS. Neuropsychiatric disorders with identified susceptibility alleles include schizophrenia (in five genes), various forms of affective disorder (in four), autism (in five), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (in two).