To provide an objective measure of deviations between two probability distributions, we calculated the chi-square scores for GO, phylogenic, and FTF analysis as well as the final integrated probability distributions (Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9). We created 4 bins for all distributions and calculated the number of gene/TF scores in each bin. Note that a chi-square score of 16.27 gives a p-value of 0.001 for a system with three degrees of freedom (number of bins minus one). We found the chi-square scores to be 49667 (phylogenic similarity), 13005 (GO), 579 (FTF), and 79584 (integrated). These scores indicate and GO and phylogenic similarity measures provide better predictions than expression analysis. Higher chi-square score for the integrated probability distributions justifies the integration scheme. A cross examination of scores from different methodologies has shown that if a gene/TF interaction scores high for one of the three methodologies, this doesn't imply that the remaining two methods will support this prediction. For example, out of the 1000 highest phylogenic similarity scores, only 48 and 3 of them were found in the top 1000 GO and FTF scores.