Table 5 Comparison of STM to competing clustering methods for clusters with 9 or more members Method Number Size Discard(%) Function Location STM 45 52.4 11.5 16.8 9.01 Maximal clique N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quasi clique 46 16.7 86.7 15.3 9.34 Samantha 17 12.3 93.3 15.9 7.65 Minimum cut 44 24.3 55.0 14.8 8.78 Bwtweenness cut 78 14.4 50.5 11.3 6.05 MCL 55 16.7 69.4 11.5 5.42 Comparison of STM to competing clustering methods for the yeast protein-protein interaction data set for clusters with 9 or more members. The Maximal clique does not identify clusters with 9 or more members. The footnote is the same to Table 4.