PPI data provide us the good opportunity to systematically analyze the structure of a large living system and also allow us to use it to understand essential principles like essentiality, genetic interactions, functions, functional modules, protein complexes and cellular pathways. Cellular functions and biochemical events are coordinately carried out by groups of proteins interacting each other in functional modules, and the modular structure of complex networks is critical to function [6,8,9]. Identifying such functional modules in PPI networks is very important for understanding the structure and function of these fundamental cellular networks. Therefore, developing an effective computational approach to identify functional modules should be highly challenging but indispensable. Clustering analysis helps us understand the topological structure of the PPI networks and relationships among its components better. And, the principal function of each cluster can be inferred from the functions of its member. Functions for unannotated members of a cluster can be predicted by the functions of other annotated members [10].