Table 11 Potential Binding Sites Genes UASH URS1H Hamming Distance Site Pos Site Pos MES1 GATTTTGAAGTAGGA -438 TTAGCCGCCGA -246 5:MER1 YJL045W TTTTGTGAAGAGATA -407 TTAGCCGCTCA -273 4:DMC1 HSP60 GTTTTTGTAGGTATA -329 ATAGCCGCCCA -252 5:MER1 SPO1 ATTTTTGAAGTTAAC -192 TCAGCGGCTAT -90 5:RED1 MEK1 TCATTTGTAGTTTAT -233 TCGGCGGCTAT -136 3:MEK1 YIG1 ATTTCCGGAGTTTTC -183 TCGGCGGCTAT -140 5:RED1 †AGP1 CCTTTTGATGACTTT -786 TCGGCGGCTAA -699 5:SPO16 †AGPl CCTTTTGATGACTTT -786 TCGGCGGCTAA -668 5:SPO16 †REC114 CATTTTGGTGGGTTC -158 TGGGCGGCTAA -94 5:SPO16 †GNTl TCATTTGGAGAATAT -340 ATAGCCGCCAT -299 5:SPO13 ‡MEK1 TTATATGCAGTATAT -276 ATGGCGGCTAA -150 4:MEK1 ‡MMS1 AACTCTGTAGTTATA -643 TGGGCGGCTAA -497 5:REC114 For each occurrence we give the gene names corresponding to the upstream region, the sites and positions for UASH and URS1H, and also the hamming distance and the closest known gene with the cooperative binding sites. For example, 5:SPO16 in the first row means that the hamming distance between AGP1 and SPO16 was 5. †: found only by IUPAC pattern search, ‡: found only by profile search.