Here we used chromosome 20 of Homo Sapiens as the sequence; it has length 61M base pairs. We generate 100 random structured motifs in the ΣIUPAC alphabet, with k ∈ [3,8] simple motifs of length l ∈ [5,10] (k and l are selected uniformly at random within the given ranges). The gap range between each pair of simple motifs is a random sub-interval of [-5, 100]. Note that the negative minimum gap shows that SMOTIF can mine overlapping simple motifs. Here we also compare the structured profile search approach SMOTIF-P, as follows: for each random motif, we form a profile by first expanding the IUPAC symbols into their corresponding DNA symbols and assign them a random probability of occurrence which accounts for 90% of the share, whereas the other DNA symbols randomly share in the remaining 10%. We use SMOTIF-P to search for the profiles with 2 as the number of core positions in each simple motif, λc = 0.1 as the core score threshold and λ = 0.6 as the total score threshold. We use random motifs mainly to demonstrate the effects of various parameters on SMOTIF and SMARTFINDER.