Just as in the previous BRAliBase II benchmark [22] we used the SCI [44] to score the structural conservation in alignments. The SCI is defined as the quotient of the consensus minimum free energy plus a covariance-like term (calculated by RNAALIFOLD; see [45]) to the mean minimum free energy of each individual sequence in the alignment. A SCI ≈ 0 indicates that RNAALIFOLD does not find a consensus structure, whereas a set of perfectly conserved structures has SCI = 1; a SCI ≥ 1 indicates a perfectly conserved secondary structure, which is, in addition, supported by compensatory and/or consistent mutations. The SCI can, for example, be computed by means of RNAZ [44]. To speed up the SCI calculation we implemented a program, SCIF, which is based upon RNAZ but computes only the SCI. SCIF was linked against RNAlib version 1.5 [46,47].