To each remaining seed alignment we applied a "naive" combinatorial approach that extracts sub-alignments with k ∈ {2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15} sequences for a given average pairwise sequence identity range (APSI; a measure for sequence homology computed with ALISTAT from the squid package [43]). Therefore we computed identities for all sequence pairs from an alignment and selected those pairs possessing the desired APSI ± 10 %. From the remaining list of sequences we randomly picked k unique sequences. Additionally we dropped all alignments with an SCI below 0.6 to assure the structural quality of the alignments and to make sure that the SCI can be applied later to score the test alignments. This way we generated overall 18,990 reference alignments with an average SCI of 0.93; the data-set1 used in [22] consists of only 388 alignments with an average SCI of 0.89. For further details see Tables 1 and 6.