The use of iterative functions for scale independent representation of biological sequences was first proposed well over a decade ago [1]. Despite its earlier popularity, that original proposition, designated as Chaos Game Representation (CGR), was soon found objectionable on the grounds of equivalence to standard Markov transition tables [2]. We have subsequently examined that equivalence and have shown that, quite the contrary, it is the Markovian transition that is a special solution of the CGR procedure [3]. The reader is referred to that report for a brief revision of earlier work on iterative functions for representation of sequence succession. The equivalence between iterative maps and genomic signatures (more exactly that the latter comes as a special solution of the former) has also been noted its simpler, and faster implementation [4-7], and it has even lead to a number of web-based and stand alone applications, including a function, CHAOS, available in the popular bioinformatics library EMBOSS [8].