Localization of RanBP2 and Its LD Molecular Partners (A–F) are thin cryosections of an area of the hipocampus (CA1 neurons) and cerebral cortex, respectively, immunostained against HKI (A and D), RanBP2 (B and E), and merged images thereof (C and F). Note that while RanBP2 and HKI are widely expressed among and colocalize to hippocampal neurons (C), HKI expression and localization with RanBP2 is restricted to a subset of cortical neurons (likely interneurons) (F). Images of the distal region of bovine retinal cryosections comprising part of the nuclear layer of photoreceptor neurons and their inner (myoid and ellipsoid) segment compartment (G–O) are immunostained against mHsp70 (G) and RanBP2 (H), mHsp70 (J) and Cox11 (K), HKI (M) and Cox11 (N), and merged images thereof (I–O). Note the prominent localization of RanBP2, mHsp70, and Cox11 at the mitochondria-rich ellipsoid compartment of photoreceptors and the colocalization of RanBP2 and Cox11 with mHsp70 (I and L), while HKI colocalization with Cox11 was limited to restricted foci (R, arrowheads). High-resolution images of dissociated primary cerebral neurons and glial cells confirmed that the colocalization of HKI and Cox11 was highly restricted (P–R), while RanBP2 extensively colocalized with HKI (S–U) and mHsp70 (V–Z). Scale bars in A–O and P–Z are 40 and 10 μm, respectively. ONL, outer nuclear layer.