Acknowledgements We are grateful to Dr. Brian Boyle (Canadian Forest Service) who provided help for RTqPCR analysis. We also thank Dr. Janice Cooke (Université Laval) who provided some of the 10-year-old field-grown tree organs, and Dr. Steven Strauss and Dr. Amy M. Brunner (Oregon State University) who supplied total RNA extracts from early stage floral organs (data not shown). Finally, special thanks go to Caroline Côté (Université Laval) for her help with the poplar cuttings and to Serge Morin (Minitère de Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec) for helpful discussions and assistance with collection of the various bud types. This work was supported by a grant from the National Biotechnology Strategy of Canada and NSERC to A. Séguin, and an NSERC scholarship to L.-P. Hamel.