In order to obtain consistent and reproducible RTqPCR data, accurate measurement of RNA concentrations and the preparation of samples that are free from any inhibitors of the reverse transcription and PCR processes are critical steps. Moreover, since we have analyzed many different organs in parallel, it was necessary to normalize the data by employing internal standard candidate genes that show consistent expression over a wide array of tissues or organ samples. To validate proper dosage of cDNA, cdc2 RTqPCR primers were included in the analysis as a control gene. Primer sequences were as follows: forward primer sequence: 5'ATTCCCCAAGTGGCCTTCTAAG 3'; reverse primer sequence: 5' TATTCATGCTCCAAAGCACTCC 3'). Act2 was also employed as a control housekeeping gene and RTqPCR primer sequences were as follows: forward primer sequence: 5' TTCTACAAGTGCTTTGATGGTGAGTTC 3'; reverse primer sequence: 5' CTATTCGATACATAGAAGATCAGAATGTTC 3').