Table 2 Prediction performance of ExAlt. Sensitivity (Sens) and Specificity (Spec) are shown for exons. Constitutive Cassete Multiple Splice Intron Retention All Exons Sens Spec Sens Spec Sens Spec Sens Spec Sens Spec ExAlt-Exon 100 96 100 89 67 94 61 89 84 94 N-SCAN-Exon Union 100 86 100 89 65 79 55 78 82 84 Augustus-Exon Union 100 82 100 81 63 77 52 73 81 79 SNAP-Exon Union 100 77 100 79 64 74 51 76 81 77 SNAP+N-SCAN-Exon Union 100 73 100 74 69 68 57 70 83 72 Augustus+N-SCAN-Exon Union 100 79 100 77 68 73 57 68 83 76 Aug.+SNAP+N-SCAN-Exon Union 100 70 100 69 71 64 60 64 84 67 Columns are organized by exon type: Constitutive, Cassette, Multiple Splice, Intron Retention, and all exons counted together (All Exons). Row 1 shows ExAlt performance using an input exon and default parameter settings (ExAlt-Exon). Rows 2–6 show the union of different combinations of three gene finders (N-SCAN, SNAP, and Augustus) plus the input exon. (Aug. = Augustus)