Table 4 Motifs identified with use of phylogenetic information. Listing of motifs and details of their host sequences for phylogenetic motif finding. All datasets tested are from [9]. DNA region details the DNA regions considered (PR signifies promoter region). # Seq. gives the number of input sequences. Motif (id) identifies the consensus sequence of the discovered motif and its correspondence with the motifs of [9] where applicable. All listed motifs have been documented as regulatory elements in TRANSFAC [45]. For datasets other than the insulin dataset, only the best motif is reported and for the insulin dataset multiple motifs are reported in order of discovery. DNA region # Seq. Motif (id) Growth-horm. 5' UTR + PR (380 bp) 16 TATAAAAA (7) Histone H1 5' UTR + PR (650 bp) 4 AAACAAAAGT (2) C-fos 5' UTR + PR (800 bp) 6 CCATATTAGG C-fos first intron (376 to 758 bp) 7 AGGGATATTT (3) Interleukin-3 5' UTR + PR (490 bp) 6 TGGAGGTTCC (3) C-myc second intron (971 to 1376 bp) 6 TTTGCAGCTA (5) C-myc 5' PR (1000 bp) 7 GCCCCTCCCG Insulin family 5' PR (500 bp) 8 GCCATCTGCC (2)TAAGACTCTA (1)CTATAAAGCC (3)CAGGGAAATG (4)