To understand the basis for delayed and abnormal hair development in the KA mutants, we conducted a histological and immunohistochemical examination (Figure 4). The hair follicle is an epidermal appendage that consists of an upper permanent portion, and a lower cycling portion that produces the hair [22,23]. The outer root sheath (ORS) is contiguous with and biochemically similar to the basal layer of the epidermis. The inner layers of the hair follicle include three concentric layers of inner root sheath and three concentric layers of hair-producing cells. At the base of the hair follicle is the germinative hair follicle bulb, which contains rapidly proliferating “matrix” cells that differentiate to populate all of the layers of the inner root sheath and the hair shaft itself [22]. During the anagen phase of the hair cycle (until P15), hair follicles of phenotypically normal mice grew deeply into the subcutaneous fat and were uniformly spaced and aligned in parallel arrays at a specific angle relative to the skin surface (Figure 4A). In contrast, KA mutant follicles were irregularly spaced and often seen as disoriented and clamped invaginations at P3 that became even more remarkable at P12 when the mutant mice were covered by fur coat (Figure 4F). Bulbs were often bent in addition to being irregularly angled to one another and their sizes and locations were often variable. Clusters of multiple invaginations or dysplastic follicular structures were frequently observed throughout the epidermis, whereas other regions showed gaps with no follicles. Serial sectioning indicated that some of the hair follicles in the P12 mutant skin were not properly formed or shorter than normal. Taken together, these features could account for the apparently delayed, followed by outgrowth, of the short and shaggy-looking fur coat of these mutant mice.