HG17 In the original intercross CAST alleles at MMU17 markers were associated with decreases in femur length, ASH and PROT [24] and similar results were seen in HG17 mice. Interestingly, both sexes were heavier at 2WK (males, P = 0.0045; females, P = 0.0342), but lighter at 9WK, leading to substantially lower G26 and G29 (Table 4). In general growth differences ranged between 5% and 15% lower in congenic mice. Both sexes had significant reductions in length traits relative to control mice. NA was reduced by 2.7% (P = 0.0186) and 3.4% in males and females, respectively (Table 4). In addition, tail was reduced by approximately 6% in both sexes (Table 4). In general, HG17 mice displayed increases in all fat pads (except MFP), TF and AI (Table 5). However, none of these differences were significant at critical P < 0.005. In addition, HG17 male carcasses possessed lower levels of H2O and ASH, while female carcasses contained lower levels of % H2O, ASH, %ASH and %PROT (Table 6).