Appendix A: power of a sub-stochastic matrix Proposition 14. If P is an order L irreducible sub-stochastic matrix admitting a row-eigenvector basis (e1,...,eL) where each ej, is associated to the eigenvalue λj and |λ1| ≥ |λ2| ≥...≥ |λL| then we have where λ = |λ1| = λ1, P∞ = and ∀j Proof. For any vector we have As P is an irreducible, Perron-Frobénius theorem (see [3] for example) assure that λ is real and the sub-stochastic property, that λ ≤ 1 (in the particular case where P is also primitive i.e. ∃m, Pm > 0 then |λ2| <λ) Replacing x by Iℓ equation (51) gives the expression of the row ℓ of Pi and the proposition is then proved.     □ Corollary 15. If P is an order ≥ 2 irreducible sub-stochastic matrix admitting a diagonal form then there exists a matrix P∞ such as Pi - λiP∞ = O(νi)     (52) uniformly in i and where 1 ≥ λ ≥ ν are the two largest eigenvalues magnitudes. In the special case where P is primitive, then λ > ν and P∞ = limi→+∞ Pi/λi is a positive matrix. Proof. Using proposition 14 we get and the corollary is proved.     □