5 Conclusion We proposed in this paper two general algorithms allowing to compute quickly and in a stable numerical way any p-value that can be imbedded in a finite Markov chain. We used these algorithms in two applications: local score on one sequence and pattern statistics. For local score, the resulting algorithms reduce dramatically the complexity of previously proposed naive ones allowing for the very first time to produce exact computations for practical biological studies (Kyte-Doolittle hydrophobic scale on the Swissprot database). Comparing the results to the classical and very popular Karlin's approximations, it appears that these approximations require long sequences (length greater than 2 000) which can dramatically reduce their range of applicability (only 0.5% of the data in our example). Of course, the exact computations require more time than the approximations, but are nevertheless fast enough (20 p-value per second in our example) to be used in most practicable cases. As a consequence we strongly advise to replace asymptotic approximations by these new exact ones whenever it is possible. Concerning pattern statistics, the new FMCI algorithms appear to outperform the existing ones ([17]) in all possible ways: far easier to implement, more numerical stability, less memory requirements, as fast as SR for simple words (except in the M0 case, but this is due to a poor implementation of this particular case in FMCI approach) and dramatically faster (up to 1 000 times and more) for degenerated patterns. Even if the SR algorithms remain available in the SPatt package, FMCI ones are now used by default for exact computations.