Table 6 Reliability of pattern statistics. They are computed in respect with an order m Markovian sequence of length n = 9719 which parameters are estimated on the HIV complete genome. Relative error uses FMCI statistics as reference. pattern order observed expected FMCI SR relative error acta 0 106 48.63 +12.208 +12.208 0.0 acta 1 106 47.01 +13.090 +13.079 8.7 × 10-4 acta 0 26 48.63 -3.567 -3.567 0.0 acta 1 26 47.01 -3.231 -3.230 4.8 × 10-4 acta 0 6 48.63 -13.856 -13.850 3.7 × 10-4 acta 1 6 47.01 -13.237 -13.237 3.0 × 10-5 at 0 50 759.48 -291.610 -291.610 0.0 at 0 25 759.48 -327.214 -318.192 2.8 × 10-2 at 0 0 759.48 -377.009 -319.607 1.5 × 10-1 tcgatc 0 185 1.37 +294.997 +294.997 0.0 tcgatc 0 195 1.37 +314.388 +314.388 5.7 × 10-8 tcgatc 0 205 1.37 +333.931 na na acacaa 2 10 6.66 +0.865 +0.855 1.1 × 10-2 acacaa 2 20 6.66 +4.669 +4.520 3.2 × 10-2 acacaa 2 60 6.66 +35.751 +33.532 6.2 × 10-2 acacaa 2 100 6.66 +79.736 +73.451 7.8 × 10-2