3.6 Markov case All these results can be extended to the Markov case but this require to define a new FMCI allowing us to trace the last score (in the case of an order one Markov chain for the sequence S, if a higher order m is considered, we just have to add the corresponding number of preceding scores to Z instead of one): Doing this now we get k = η (the cardinal of the score support) starting states instead of one so we need a starting distribution μ (which could be a Dirac) to compute the p-value. We will not detail here the structure of the corresponding sparse transition matrix ∏ (see [13]) but we need to know its number ζ of non zero terms. If a is an integer value (we suppose here that the scale factor has been already included in it) then the order of R is M × a × η and ζ = O(M × a × η2) (and we get O(M × a × ηm+1) when an order m Markov model is considered).