Mining extensible motifs The procedure of motif extraction that is described in Table 1 essentially constructs the inexact suffix tree of [1] implicitly, in a different order. The input is a string s of size n and two positive integers, K and D. The extensibility parameter D is interpreted in the sense that up to D (or 1 to D) dot characters between two consecutive solid characters are allowed. The output is all maximal extensible (with D spacers) patterns that occur at least K times in s. Incidentally, the algorithm can be adapted to extract rigid motifs as a special case. For this, it suffices to interpret D as the maximum number of dot characters between two consecutive solid characters. The algorithm works by converting the input into a sequence of possibly overlapping cells: A cell is the smallest substring in any pattern on s, that has exactly two solid characters: one at the start and the other at the end position of this substring. A maximal extensible pattern is a sequence of cells. Initialization phase The cell is the smallest extensible component of a maximal pattern and the string can be viewed as a sequence of overlapping cells. If no don't care characters are allowed in the motifs then the cells are non-overlapping. The initialization phase has the following steps. Step 1: Construct patterns that have exactly two solid characters in them and separated by no more than D spaces or "." characters. This is done by scanning the string s from left to right. Further, for each location we store start and end position of the pattern. For example, if s = abzdabyxd and K = 2, D = 2, then all the patterns generated at this step are: ab, a.z, a..d, bz, b.d, b..a, zd, z.a, z..b, da, d.b, d..y, a.y, a..x, by, b.x, b..d, yx, y.d, xd, each with its occurrence list. Thus ab = {(1, 2), (5, 6)}, a.z = {(1, 3)} and so on. Step 2: The extensible cells are constructed by combining all the cells with at least one dot character and the same start and end solid characters. The location list is updated to reflect the start and end position of each occurrence. Continuing the previous example, b-d is generated at this step with b-d = {(2, 4), (6, 9)}. All cells m with |m| 0 dot characters respectively and d1