Supplementary Material Additional File 1 Supplementary Figure. This drawing represents the NovelFam3000 database schema. Each rectangle, labeled with the table name at the top, represents a table in the database. The field names for each table are listed with symbols to the left. Primary Keys are denoted by a yellow key. Foreign Keys are denoted by a red diamond and "(FK)" after the field name. Regular Fields are denoted by a blue diamond. Relations between the tables are indicated by blue lines, with the diamond-end of the line at the referenced table and the other end at the referencing table. The relations are as follows: Rel_01: Comments can be made about a gene; Rel_02: News items can be associated with a gene; Rel_03: Resources can be associated with a gene; Rel_04: Experiments can be associated with a gene; Rel_05: Pfam sequences can be associated with a gene; Rel_06: Pfam sequences can be associated with a Pfam family; Rel_07: An experiment can be associated with multiple instances of experimental data. Click here for file Additional File 2 Materials and methods. This file contains detailed materials and methods for both the database implementation and the experimental data Click here for file Additional File 3 Primer sequences. This file contains nucleotide sequences for the gene-specific primers used for RT-PCR amplification of predicted human genes Click here for file