mr-s nucleotide and amino acid sequences. (A) mr-s nucleotide and amino acids sequences. Boxed amino acids are the SAM domain sequence and the dashed box indicates a putative nuclear localization signal. The underline indicates a putative polyadenylation termination signal. (B) Alignment of SAM domain sequences for SAM domain-containing proteins. The five alpha helices are marked H1-H5. Conserved amino acid residues are shown with a dark shadow and functionally similar residues are shown with a light shadow. The sites that were targeted for mutagenesis are indicated by arrows. (C) Phylogenetic tree of SAM domain-containing proteins. Amino acid sequences were analyzed by the neighbor-joining method in MacVector 7.2. Branch lengths reflect the mean number of substitutions per site. (D) Schematic comparison of the amino acid sequences for mouse, rat, human, chick and zebrafish mr-s proteins. The percent similarity of the SAM domains and other regions to the corresponding regions of the mouse protein is shown. Overall sequence similarity with the mouse protein is shown on the right.