Quantitation and statistical analysis For each experiment, bands corresponding to the variant messenger RNA (ie ERC4, ERD3 or ERD5) and to WT-ER were excised from the gel and counted in a scintillation counter. For each set of primers (ie ERC4, ERD3 and ERD5 primer set) and for each sample, four independent PCR assays were performed. The ratios between ERC4, ERD3 or ERD5 signals and corresponding WT-ER signal were calculated. For each experiment, in order to correct for overall interassay variations (due to different batches of radiolabelled [α -32P] dCTP or of Taq DNA polymerase), the ratio observed in the same particular tumor (case number 12) was arbitrarily given the value of one and all other ratios expressed relatively. Under our experimental conditions, some samples did not have measurable levels (ie signal lower than twice the background value) of ERD3 or ERD5 variant messenger RNAs (see Figs 2a and 3a) in any of the four repetitions performed. Only cases that had detectable levels in at least three of the replicates in both their normal and tumor compartments were included in the statistical analysis. The significance of the differences in the relative levels of expression of ERC4, ERD3 and ERD5 messenger RNAs between matched normal and tumor components was determined using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.