One suggestive (Chromosome 1) and four significant (Chromosomes 3, 5, 11, and 19) cQTLs for the gonadal fat mass trait were identified (Figure 1A; Table 2). Four out of the five cQTLs showed statistically significant better fits with the full model incorporating the interaction terms sex*add and sex*dom, compared to the model including only the additive terms. Interestingly, the cQTL over Chromosome 11 did not improve, suggesting that the additional terms did not contribute to improved detection of this locus. Table 2 summarizes the position and LOD score of maximal linkage for each cQTL. While the focus of this study was the gonadal fat mass trait, it is noted that a genome scan for the adiposity trait resulted in cQTLs at the same locations, with very similar LOD scores and sex dependence (unpublished data).