The effect of the trans-eQTLs at the Chromosome 19 locus on gene expression is summarized in Figure 6. Twenty-nine trans-eQTLs colocalize to Chromosome 9 at 40 cM, suggesting that 29 genes correlated with gonadal fat mass are regulated in trans by a polymorphism at this position. The proportion of gene expression levels controlled by this locus (approximated as the coefficients of determination R 2) differs between males and females for the majority of the transcripts (as in Figure 6A), and for Chromosome 19 (Figure 6B), females demonstrated greater genetic regulation of gene expression than males. This substantial female bias is significantly higher than would be expected to arise by chance for the Chromosome 19 locus (p < 0.001 by χ2). This locus corresponds to one of the four sex-biased cQTLs for gonadal fat mass reported in this study, and the significant sex specificity of both the cis and trans genetic regulation of liver genes correlated with fat mass supports the functional significance of this locus in this organ.