Figure 4 Comparison of the Type III Secretion Systems (TTSSs) and the surrounding regions in B. mallei (Bm), B. pseudomallei (Bp), and B. thailandensis (Bt). The orthologous genes in the three species are denoted with connecting lines. A. Comparison of TTSS-3 locus among the three species. The % amino acid identity was determined using TBLASTN from Bp proteins, and is color coded accordingly. B. Comparison of TTSS-2 and its vicinity. Large deletions in the genes coding for non ribosomal peptide synthases (NRPSs) in Bm and Bt are shown. Two frame shift mutations in the two genes in the TTSS-2 of Bm also are shown. C. Comparison of the regions around TTSS-1. The fragment containing TTSS-1 and the surrounding genes that are only present in Bp, and the replacement fragments of this in Bt and Bm are shown.