Sequence variation of the CD209/CD209L region was determined in 41 sub-Saharan Africans, 43 Europeans, and 43 East Asians, in a total of 254 chromosomes from the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP)–CEPH panel (Cann et al. 2002). More-detailed information about the composition of the three major ethnic groups can be found in table 1 . The variation in the repeat number of the neck region of CD209 and CD209L was defined in the entire HGDP-CEPH panel, comprising 1,064 DNA samples from 52 worldwide populations. In addition, the orthologous regions for both genes were sequenced in four chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Table 1 Individual Composition of the Study Populations for CD209 and CD209L Sequence Diversity Location and Population Geographic Origin No. of Chromosomes Africa:  Biaka Pygmies Central African Republic 12  Mbuti Pygmies Democratic Republic of Congo 10  Bantu Fanga Gabon 12  Bantu, northeastern Kenya 10  Bantu, southeastern Tswana South Africa (Bantu, southeastern) 4  Bantu, southwestern Herero South Africa (Bantu, southwestern) 4  Mandenka Senegal 12  San Namibia 8  Yoruba Nigeria 10 Europe:  Adygei Russian Caucasus 4  French France 16  French Basque France 12  Sardinian Italy 12  Russian Russia 12  Orcadian Orkney Islands 14  North Italian Italy (Bergamo) 16 East Asia:  Japanese Japan 42  Han China 4  Tujia China 4  Yizu China 4  Miaozu China 4  Orogen China 4  Daur China 4  Mongola China 4  Hezhen China 4  Xibo China 4  Uygur China 4  Dai China 4 a These individuals are not included in the HGDP-CEPH panel but are part of the authors' collection.