Learning curves for both correct performance (“percentage correct”) and the discrimination performance were analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA. Additionally, learning curves were assessed by linearly fitting of trend lines to the data with fixed offsets, leaving the slope as the only variable. In general, binning was 100 trials per block. To allow for the investigation of group/block interactions, the repeated measure ANOVA binning was reduced to 20 trials per block. To compare memory performance in the GluR-BRescue (n = 8) and GluR-BΔFB (n = 22) mice, due to the high variability, a bootstrap approach was employed. Subpopulations of eight animals were selected from the population of 22 GluR-BΔFB mice, and mean memory was determined. In only 343 out of 20,000 subpopulations, mean memory exceeded the mean GluR-BRescue memory of 74.99%, resulting in a p value of p = 343/20,000 = 0.017.