> top > docs > PMC:1253828 > spans > 20934-21055 > annotations

PMC:1253828 / 20934-21055 JSONTXT

Annnotations TAB JSON ListView MergeView


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6173 0-121 sentence denotes Three MRE core consensus sequences were found in the region upstream of the mouse Sepw1 transcription start (Figure 2c).
T6174 1-6 CD denotes Three
T6175 26-35 NNS denotes sequences
T6176 7-10 NN denotes MRE
T6177 11-15 NN denotes core
T6178 16-25 NN denotes consensus
T6179 41-46 VBN denotes found
T6180 36-40 VBD denotes were
T6181 47-49 IN denotes in
T6182 50-53 DT denotes the
T6183 54-60 NN denotes region
T6184 61-69 RB denotes upstream
T6185 70-72 IN denotes of
T6186 73-76 DT denotes the
T6187 103-108 NN denotes start
T6188 77-82 NN denotes mouse
T6189 83-88 NN denotes Sepw1
T6190 89-102 NN denotes transcription
T6191 109-110 -LRB- denotes (
T6192 117-119 NN denotes 2c
T6193 110-116 NN denotes Figure
T6194 119-120 -RRB- denotes )
T6195 120-121 . denotes .
R4078 T6174 T6175 nummod Three,sequences
R4079 T6175 T6179 nsubjpass sequences,found
R4080 T6176 T6175 compound MRE,sequences
R4081 T6177 T6178 compound core,consensus
R4082 T6178 T6175 compound consensus,sequences
R4083 T6180 T6179 auxpass were,found
R4084 T6181 T6179 prep in,found
R4085 T6182 T6183 det the,region
R4086 T6183 T6181 pobj region,in
R4087 T6184 T6183 advmod upstream,region
R4088 T6185 T6184 prep of,upstream
R4089 T6186 T6187 det the,start
R4090 T6187 T6185 pobj start,of
R4091 T6188 T6189 compound mouse,Sepw1
R4092 T6189 T6187 compound Sepw1,start
R4093 T6190 T6187 compound transcription,start
R4094 T6191 T6192 punct (,2c
R4095 T6192 T6179 parataxis 2c,found
R4096 T6193 T6192 compound Figure,2c
R4097 T6194 T6192 punct ),2c
R4098 T6195 T6179 punct .,found


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6338 16-25 SO:0000993 denotes consensus
T6339 77-82 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6340 83-88 PR:000014662 denotes Sepw1


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T6400 16-25 SO:0000993 denotes consensus
T6401 26-35 SO_EXT:biological_sequence denotes sequences
T6402 61-69 SO_EXT:sequence_upstreamness denotes upstream
T6403 77-82 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mouse
T6404 83-88 PR_EXT:000014662 denotes Sepw1
T6405 89-108 GO_SO_EXT:transcriptional_start_entity_or_process denotes transcription start