Material and Methods Study population and recruitment. The Nunavik region is located north of the 55th parallel in the province of Québec, Canada, and is composed of 14 isolated villages scattered along the coasts of the Ungava Bay, the Hudson Strait, and the Hudson Bay (Figure 1). The targeted participants for this study were Inuit infants born in Puvirnituq, Inukjuaq, and Kuujjuarapik, the three largest Inuit communities on the Hudson Bay coast in Nunavik. The recruitment procedures have been described elsewhere (Muckle et al. 2001). Briefly, between November 1995 and March 2001, we attempted to contact every pregnant woman after their first prenatal medical visit either by phone or by the community radio (for those without a telephone at home). Pregnant women were invited to meet with our research assistant, and women willing to participate were asked to sign an informed consent form. The study was part of a larger study focusing on environmental contaminants and neurobehavioral development. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Nunavik Health and Nutrition Committee and by the ethics committee of Laval University. Data collection and biological sampling. In order to gather biological samples and information on confounding variables, we conducted four interviews: one at midpregnancy (prenatal interview, median of 21 weeks gestation) and three with the infant and the mother at 1, 6, and 11 months postpartum. We collected information on maternal age, breast-feeding duration, socioeconomic status of the care-giver (Hollingshead index), smoking habits during pregnancy, environmental tobacco exposure during the first year of life, number of children living with the participant, village of residence, and day care attendance. Many other characteristics were also documented for the neurobehavioral arm of this cohort but were not included in this study. We sampled maternal blood at delivery or, when it was impossible, as soon as possible after delivery (median, 2 days postpartum). We also obtained umbilical cord blood at delivery and infant blood at midfollow-up (median, 7.0 months of age). All blood samples were immediately centrifuged and frozen at −80°C. Frozen blood and plasma samples were sent to the Centre de Toxicologie (Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec, Québec City, Canada) every 3–6 months for contaminants and biochemical analyses. Finally, we extensively reviewed the medical charts of the mother and the infant for the pregnancy period and for the infant’s first year of life. Determination of OCs. We determined the concentrations of p,p′-dichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) and 14 PCB congeners (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry numbers 28, 52, 99, 101, 105, 118, 128, 138, 153, 156, 170, 180, 183, and 187) in plasma samples by high-resolution gas chromatography. OCs were extracted from plasma with ammonium sulfate:ethanol: hexane (1:1:3). The extracts were cleaned on florisil columns, taken to a final volume of 100 μL, and analyzed on an HP-5890 series II gas chromatograph equipped with dual-capillary columns and dual Ni-63 electron-capture detectors (Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA, USA). We identified peaks by their relative retention times obtained on the two columns. Quality control procedures were described previously (Rhainds et al. 1999). Percent recovery ranged from 89 to 100%, and the detection limit was approximately 0.02 μg/L for all compounds. Coefficients of variation (n = 20, different days) ranged from 2.1 to 9.1%. The difference between the concentration of reference material and that found using the analytic method ranged from 10.9 to 3.8%. Because OCs are stored mainly in body fat, all results for contaminants are expressed on a lipid basis. Determination of blood lipids. We measured total cholesterol, free cholesterol, and tri-glycerides in plasma samples by standard enzymatic procedures. Concentrations of phospholipids were determined according to the enzymatic method of Takayama et al. (1977) using a commercial kit (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Richmond, VA, USA). We estimated the concentrations of total plasma lipids using the formula developed by Phillips et al. (1989). Estimation of exposure using plasma concentrations. In this population, concentrations of maternal OCs are highly correlated with those of cord plasma (R = 0.94 for DDE and PCB-153). Because of logistic problems, we were not able to collect cord blood samples for more than half of the participants. Therefore, we used the concentration of OCs in maternal plasma as an estimate of prenatal exposure to OCs. For six subjects, a cord blood sample was available but not a maternal blood sample. For these six subjects, we estimated maternal concentrations from the cord plasma results using linear regression. Postnatal exposure was estimated using plasma concentration of OCs in infant blood at 7 months of age. The concentration of OCs in blood is well correlated with that found in adipose tissues, and it has been shown that either blood or adipose tissue concentrations are valid exposure measurements in epidemiologic studies (Dewailly et al. 1994). We used PCB-153 concentration (log-transformed) as a surrogate measure for the total PCB burden. PCB-153 is the most abundant PCB congener. Its concentration is strongly correlated with all the moderate-to-heavily chlorinated congeners and with most chlorinated pesticides (except p,p′-DDT). It has been shown to be a good marker of exposure to most organochlorines in the Arctic (Muckle et al. 2001). Medical chart review and incidence of infectious diseases. Trained research nurses used a standardized questionnaire to review the medical charts of infants for the first 12 months of life. For every diagnosed health problem, we noted the date of diagnosis and the duration of hospitalization (if hospitalized). We also attributed a code corresponding to the International Classification of Primary Care, 2nd edition (ICPC-2; World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners 1998). We then formed four groups of infections: upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), otitis media, gastrointestinal (GI) infections, and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). We also added a fifth group labeled “all infections,” which included all of the four preceding groups. Because previous studies on OCs and infections in children seem to point toward a greater association between OCs and otitis media compared with other infectious diseases, we excluded ear infections from the URTI category so that otitis and URTIs could be analyzed independently (Chao et al. 1997; Dewailly et al. 2000; Weisglas-Kuperus et al. 2000). The URTI category included streptococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis, acute upper respiratory tract infection not otherwise specified (NOS), acute rhinitis, head cold, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, and coryza. The otitis category included acute suppurative otitis media, otitis media NOS, acute tympanitis, otitis media with effusion, serous otitis media, and glue ear. The LRTI category included acute bronchitis and bronchiolites, acute lower respiratory infection NOS, chest infection NOS, laryngotracheobronchitis, tracheobronchitis, bacterial and viral pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, influenzal pneumonia, and pneumonitis. The GI infection category included GI infection and dysentery with specified organism, diarrhea or vomiting presumed to be infective, dysentery NOS, and gastric flu. For every health problem identified, we trusted the diagnosis of the attending physician. When two physicians disagreed, we only recorded the last diagnosis made. In some Inuit communities, nurses are trained to identify and treat benign infections, especially otitis media and URTIs. When the child was not seen by a physician, we recorded the diagnosis of the nurse. We considered two episodes of the same infection type to be separate when there was at least 15 days between the two diagnoses and when it was not specified in the chart that the second episode was related to the first. When an episode of URTI led to a LRTI, we only included the latter in the analysis. We did not attempt to investigate infectious episodes for which treatment at the health center was not sought by the parents. Data on complications or abnormal events during pregnancy, infant sex, and birth weight were also gathered from the medical charts. Statistical analyses. We assigned a value of one-half the detection limit of the analytical method when a compound was not detected in a sample. OC concentrations had log-normal distributions and were log-transformed in all analyses. Therefore, results for contaminants are presented as geometric means. The correlation between contaminant concentrations was evaluated using Pearson’s method on log-transformed values. To evaluate associations between OC exposure and infection incidence rates, we used Poisson regression with quartiles of OC concentration as the main independent variable, and individual incidence rates as the dependent variable (both for bivariate and multivariate analyses). We categorized the exposure using quartiles boundaries, with the first quartile as the group of reference (Table 1). Regression results are, therefore, an estimate of the incidence rate ratios (RRs) for infants in the three highest quartiles of exposure, when infants in each of these quartiles are compared to infants in first quartile. To test the hypothesis of a dose–response association between incidence rates and OC concentrations (p-value for trend), we included the contaminant concentration (log-transformed) directly in the model and treated it as a continuous variable. We based the selection of potential confounding variables on clinical knowledge and a literature review. Every identified potential confounding variable was tested in the model, but only those influencing the incidence rate ratios by > 5% were included in the final model. The variables initially excluded from the model were retested one by one in the final model to ensure that their exclusion did not influence the results. The variables included in the final model were maternal age at delivery (continuous), season of birth, year of birth (category), breast-feeding duration (categories), sex of the infant, socioeconomic status of the caregiver (continuous), smoking during pregnancy (yes/no), number of cigarettes smoked per day during pregnancy (continuous), number of children < 6 years of age living with the infant (continuous), and village of residence. The following variables were excluded from the final model because they did not significantly affect the association of interest: day care frequentation (ever/never), mean hours per week in day care (continuous), maternal omega-3 fatty-acid concentration in blood (continuous), proportion of omega-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (continuous), number of smokers in the house where the infant resided (continuous), birth weight, gestational age, and reviewer of the medical chart. When postnatal exposure was investigated, we included in the model the infant’s age when the blood sample was drawn. We considered vaccination coverage a potential confounding factor. Information on vaccination was gathered through the review of the medical chart, but information was missing for many children. Preliminary analyses showed that vaccination coverage was not related to contaminant burden. We thus excluded it from the final models. All modeling results are presented for both the crude model (only exposure categories) and the adjusted model (exposure categories and all the confounding variables mentioned above). Statistical analyses and database management were conducted using the SAS system 8.02 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). By convention, a p-value < 0.05 was considered significant.