> top > docs > PMC:1181811 > spans > 10-235 > annotations

PMC:1181811 / 10-235 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T126 43-47 VBP denotes vary
T128 1-3 IN denotes at
T129 4-7 DT denotes the
T130 14-19 NN denotes locus
T131 8-13 NN denotes Tas2r
T132 20-22 IN denotes on
T133 23-29 JJ denotes distal
T134 30-40 NN denotes chromosome
T135 41-42 CD denotes 6
T136 48-52 IN denotes with
T137 53-60 NN denotes quinine
T138 61-66 NN denotes taste
T139 67-78 NN denotes sensitivity
T140 79-81 IN denotes in
T141 82-88 JJ denotes inbred
T142 89-93 NNS denotes mice
T143 93-94 sentence denotes
T144 104-114 sentence denotes Background
T145 104-114 NN denotes Background
T147 115-118 DT denotes The
T148 119-128 NN denotes detection
T149 184-191 VBN denotes thought
T150 129-131 IN denotes of
T151 132-138 JJ denotes bitter
T152 139-146 VBG denotes tasting
T153 138-139 HYPH denotes -
T154 147-156 NNS denotes compounds
T155 157-159 IN denotes by
T156 160-163 DT denotes the
T157 174-180 NN denotes system
T158 164-173 JJ denotes gustatory
T159 181-183 VBZ denotes is
T160 192-194 TO denotes to
T161 195-200 VB denotes alert
T162 201-208 NNS denotes animals
T163 209-211 IN denotes to
T164 212-215 DT denotes the
T165 216-224 NN denotes presence
R2 T129 T130 det the,locus
R3 T130 T128 pobj locus,at
R5 T132 T130 prep on,locus
R6 T133 T134 amod distal,chromosome
R7 T134 T132 pobj chromosome,on
R8 T135 T134 nummod 6,chromosome
R9 T136 T126 prep with,vary
R10 T137 T138 compound quinine,taste
R11 T138 T139 compound taste,sensitivity
R12 T139 T136 pobj sensitivity,with
R13 T140 T126 prep in,vary
R14 T141 T142 amod inbred,mice
R15 T142 T140 pobj mice,in
R16 T147 T148 det The,detection
R17 T148 T149 nsubjpass detection,thought
R18 T150 T148 prep of,detection
R19 T151 T152 amod bitter,tasting
R20 T152 T154 amod tasting,compounds
R22 T154 T150 pobj compounds,of
R23 T155 T148 prep by,detection
R24 T156 T157 det the,system
R25 T157 T155 pobj system,by
R27 T159 T149 auxpass is,thought
R28 T160 T161 aux to,alert
R29 T161 T149 xcomp alert,thought
R30 T162 T161 dobj animals,alert
R31 T163 T161 prep to,alert
R32 T164 T165 det the,presence
R33 T165 T163 pobj presence,to
R4 T131 T130 compound Tas2r,locus
R21 T153 T152 punct -,tasting
R26 T158 T157 amod gustatory,system


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T55 8-13 PR_EXT:000036337 denotes Tas2r
T56 14-22 _FRAGMENT denotes locus on
T57 30-40 GO_SO_EXT:chromosomal_part_or_position_or_region_or_site denotes chromosome
T58 53-60 CHEBI:15854 denotes quinine
T59 61-66 GO:0050909 denotes taste
T60 89-93 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T61 132-146 GO:0050913 denotes bitter-tasting
T62 147-156 CHEBI:36357 denotes compounds
T63 164-173 GO:0050909 denotes gustatory
T64 164-180 UBERON:0001033 denotes gustatory system
T65 201-208 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals
R344 T57 T56 _lexicallyChainedTo chromosome,locus on


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2 8-13 PR:000036337 denotes Tas2r
T3 53-60 CHEBI:15854 denotes quinine
T4 61-66 GO:0050909 denotes taste
T5 89-93 NCBITaxon:10088 denotes mice
T6 132-146 GO:0050913 denotes bitter-tasting
T7 147-156 CHEBI:36357 denotes compounds
T8 164-173 GO:0050909 denotes gustatory
T9 164-180 UBERON:0001033 denotes gustatory system
T10 201-208 NCBITaxon:33208 denotes animals