Table 1 Distribution of Cftr genotypes in female offspring from breeding Cftr heterozygotes on the B6 and mixed backgrounds. B6 Background Mixed Background Cftr Observed Expected Observed Expected +/+ 207 175 57 47 +/- 371 350 88 94 -/- 122 175 42 47 P 0.00001 (0.04533)* 0.21724 Statistical analysis was by Chi-square. (*) P-value if the sample size for the B6 mice is adjusted to be equal to that of the mixed background mice, assuming the same distribution of genotypes. Table 2 Distribution of Cftr genotypes in male offspring from breeding Cftr heterozygotes on the B6 and mixed backgrounds. B6 Background Mixed Background Cftr Observed Expected Observed Expected +/+ 240 201 57 52 +/- 431 403 115 104 -/- 134 201 36 52 P <0.00001 (0.01612)* 0.03749 Statistical analysis was by Chi-square. (*) P-value if the sample size for the B6 mice is adjusted to be equal to that of the mixed background mice, assuming the same distribution of genotypes. The