> top > docs > PMC:116589 > spans > 11193-11378 > annotations

PMC:116589 / 11193-11378 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T2290 0-185 sentence denotes Even though they had lost their characteristic ES cell morphology all three RFP+ ES cell lines went gemline as detected by coat color and PCR for the DsRed1 transgene (data not shown).
T2291 1-5 RB denotes Even
T2292 22-26 VBN denotes lost
T2293 6-12 IN denotes though
T2294 13-17 PRP denotes they
T2295 18-21 VBD denotes had
T2296 96-100 VBD denotes went
T2297 27-32 PRP$ denotes their
T2298 56-66 NN denotes morphology
T2299 33-47 JJ denotes characteristic
T2300 48-50 NN denotes ES
T2301 51-55 NN denotes cell
T2302 67-70 DT denotes all
T2303 90-95 NNS denotes lines
T2304 71-76 CD denotes three
T2305 77-81 JJ denotes RFP+
T2306 82-84 NN denotes ES
T2307 85-89 NN denotes cell
T2308 101-108 RB denotes gemline
T2309 109-111 IN denotes as
T2310 112-120 VBN denotes detected
T2311 121-123 IN denotes by
T2312 124-128 NN denotes coat
T2313 129-134 NN denotes color
T2314 135-138 CC denotes and
T2315 139-142 NN denotes PCR
T2316 143-146 IN denotes for
T2317 147-150 DT denotes the
T2318 158-167 NN denotes transgene
T2319 151-157 NN denotes DsRed1
T2320 168-169 -LRB- denotes (
T2321 178-183 VBN denotes shown
T2322 169-173 NNS denotes data
T2323 174-177 RB denotes not
T2324 183-184 -RRB- denotes )
T2325 184-185 . denotes .
R1480 T2291 T2292 advmod Even,lost
R1482 T2292 T2296 advcl lost,went
R1483 T2293 T2292 mark though,lost
R1485 T2294 T2292 nsubj they,lost
R1486 T2295 T2292 aux had,lost
R1487 T2297 T2298 poss their,morphology
R1489 T2298 T2292 dobj morphology,lost
R1490 T2299 T2298 amod characteristic,morphology
R1491 T2300 T2301 compound ES,cell
R1492 T2301 T2298 compound cell,morphology
R1494 T2302 T2303 det all,lines
R1495 T2303 T2296 nsubj lines,went
R1496 T2304 T2303 nummod three,lines
R1498 T2305 T2303 amod RFP+,lines
R1499 T2306 T2307 compound ES,cell
R1501 T2307 T2303 compound cell,lines
R1502 T2308 T2296 advmod gemline,went
R1503 T2309 T2310 mark as,detected
R1504 T2310 T2296 advcl detected,went
R1506 T2311 T2310 prep by,detected
R1507 T2312 T2313 compound coat,color
R1509 T2313 T2311 pobj color,by
R1510 T2314 T2313 cc and,color
R1511 T2315 T2313 conj PCR,color
R1513 T2316 T2315 prep for,PCR
R1514 T2317 T2318 det the,transgene
R1515 T2318 T2316 pobj transgene,for
R1517 T2319 T2318 compound DsRed1,transgene
R1518 T2320 T2321 punct (,shown
R1519 T2321 T2296 parataxis shown,went
R1521 T2322 T2321 nsubj data,shown
R1522 T2323 T2321 neg not,shown
R1523 T2324 T2321 punct ),shown
R1525 T2325 T2296 punct .,went


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1360 48-55 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T1361 51-55 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T1362 82-89 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T1363 85-89 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cell
T1364 124-128 UBERON:0010166 denotes coat
T1365 158-167 SO_EXT:0000902 denotes transgene


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the chain model. You can change it to the bag model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T1203 48-55 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T1204 82-89 CL:0002322 denotes ES cell
T1205 124-128 UBERON:0010166 denotes coat
T1206 158-167 SO:0000902 denotes transgene