Figures and Tables Table 1 Empirical studies in hospice/palliative care music therapy Author Year Publication type Research design Randomization n Dependent variables Curtis 1986 Journal Alternating treatment Yes 9 Pain relief and relaxation Whittall 1989 Conference proceedings Pilot study; pre/post test No 8 Heart and respiratory rate, extremity temperature Calovini 1993 Master's thesis Pre/post test No 11 State anxiety Longfield 1995 Master's thesis Quasi-experimental pre/post test No 8 Mood and pain Abbott 1995 Master's thesis Pre/post test No 28 Quality of life Gallagher 2001 Journal Pilot study ex post facto pre/post test No 90 Pain, mood, anxiety, shortness of breath Krout 2001 Journal Pre/post test No 80 Comfort, pain, relaxation Hilliard 2003 Journal Clinical trial Yes 80 Quality and length of life; time of death Wlodarczyk 2003 Master's thesis ABAB; counter-balance No 10 Spirituality Batzner 2003 Master's thesis Experimental Yes 15 Discomfort behaviors Hilliard In press Journal Ex post facto No 80 Time and duration of MT provided; needs treated by MT ABAB, session A consisted of cognitive-behavioral music therapy (30 min) and session B consisted of a non-music visit (30 min); MT, music therapy. Table 2 Studies with significant differences Author Year Variable(s) with significance n Statistical analysis Longfield 1995 Pain, fatigue, anxiety, energy 8 Paired t-tests Gallagher 2001 Pain, mood, anxiety 90 Wilcoxcon signed rank test Krout 2001 Pain, physical comfort, relaxation 80 One-tailed t-tests Wlodarczyk 2003 Spirituality 10 Two-tailed Walsh test Hilliard 2003 Quality of life 80 Repeated measures and two-way ANOVA; t-tests Hilliard 2004 Time and duration of treatment; length of life 80 Independent samples t-test; paired samples t-test