> top > docs > PMC:1084331 > spans > 46356-47036 > annotations

PMC:1084331 / 46356-47036 JSONTXT

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15022 0-20 JJ denotes Electrophysiological
T15023 21-29 NN denotes analysis
T15024 34-43 VBN denotes performed
T15025 30-33 VBD denotes was
T15026 44-46 IN denotes as
T15027 58-67 VBN denotes described
T15028 47-57 RB denotes previously
T15029 68-69 -LRB- denotes [
T15030 69-71 CD denotes 48
T15031 71-72 -RRB- denotes ]
T15032 72-73 . denotes .
T15033 73-202 sentence denotes Briefly, intracellular recordings from identified quadriceps motor neurons were made using sharp electrodes (75–120 MΩ, 3M KCl).
T15034 74-81 RB denotes Briefly
T15035 154-158 VBN denotes made
T15036 81-83 , denotes ,
T15037 83-96 JJ denotes intracellular
T15038 97-107 NNS denotes recordings
T15039 108-112 IN denotes from
T15040 113-123 VBN denotes identified
T15041 141-148 NNS denotes neurons
T15042 124-134 NNS denotes quadriceps
T15043 135-140 NN denotes motor
T15044 149-153 VBD denotes were
T15045 159-164 VBG denotes using
T15046 165-170 JJ denotes sharp
T15047 171-181 NNS denotes electrodes
T15048 182-183 -LRB- denotes (
T15049 190-192 NN denotes
T15050 183-185 CD denotes 75
T15051 186-189 CD denotes 120
T15052 185-186 SYM denotes
T15053 192-194 , denotes ,
T15054 194-196 NN denotes 3M
T15055 197-200 NN denotes KCl
T15056 200-201 -RRB- denotes )
T15057 201-202 . denotes .
T15058 202-402 sentence denotes Average responses (10–20 trials) from suprathreshold nerve stimulation (1.5 times the strength that evokes maximal monosynaptic response) of the quadriceps nerve were acquired with LTP software [49].
T15059 203-210 JJ denotes Average
T15060 211-220 NNS denotes responses
T15061 370-378 VBN denotes acquired
T15062 221-222 -LRB- denotes (
T15063 228-234 NNS denotes trials
T15064 222-224 CD denotes 10
T15065 225-227 CD denotes 20
T15066 224-225 SYM denotes
T15067 234-235 -RRB- denotes )
T15068 236-240 IN denotes from
T15069 241-255 NN denotes suprathreshold
T15070 262-273 NN denotes stimulation
T15071 256-261 NN denotes nerve
T15072 274-275 -LRB- denotes (
T15073 289-297 NN denotes strength
T15074 275-278 CD denotes 1.5
T15075 279-284 NNS denotes times
T15076 285-288 DT denotes the
T15077 298-302 WDT denotes that
T15078 303-309 VBZ denotes evokes
T15079 310-317 JJ denotes maximal
T15080 331-339 NN denotes response
T15081 318-330 JJ denotes monosynaptic
T15082 339-340 -RRB- denotes )
T15083 341-343 IN denotes of
T15084 344-347 DT denotes the
T15085 359-364 NN denotes nerve
T15086 348-358 NNS denotes quadriceps
T15087 365-369 VBD denotes were
T15088 379-383 IN denotes with
T15089 384-387 NN denotes LTP
T15090 388-396 NN denotes software
T15091 397-398 -LRB- denotes [
T15092 398-400 CD denotes 49
T15093 400-401 -RRB- denotes ]
T15094 401-402 . denotes .
T15095 402-500 sentence denotes Only cells with stable resting potentials more negative than −50 mV were considered for analysis.
T15096 403-407 RB denotes Only
T15097 408-413 NNS denotes cells
T15098 476-486 VBN denotes considered
T15099 414-418 IN denotes with
T15100 419-425 JJ denotes stable
T15101 434-444 NNS denotes potentials
T15102 426-433 NN denotes resting
T15103 445-449 RBR denotes more
T15104 450-458 JJ denotes negative
T15105 459-463 IN denotes than
T15106 464-465 SYM denotes
T15107 465-467 CD denotes 50
T15108 468-470 NN denotes mV
T15109 471-475 VBD denotes were
T15110 487-490 IN denotes for
T15111 491-499 NN denotes analysis
T15112 499-500 . denotes .
T15113 500-680 sentence denotes Monosynaptic amplitudes were determined offline using custom routines in the Matlab environment (The Mathworks, Natick, Massachusetts, United States) as previously described [48].
T15114 501-513 JJ denotes Monosynaptic
T15115 514-524 NNS denotes amplitudes
T15116 530-540 VBN denotes determined
T15117 525-529 VBD denotes were
T15118 541-548 RB denotes offline
T15119 549-554 VBG denotes using
T15120 555-561 NN denotes custom
T15121 562-570 NNS denotes routines
T15122 571-573 IN denotes in
T15123 574-577 DT denotes the
T15124 585-596 NN denotes environment
T15125 578-584 NNP denotes Matlab
T15126 597-598 -LRB- denotes (
T15127 602-611 NNP denotes Mathworks
T15128 598-601 DT denotes The
T15129 611-613 , denotes ,
T15130 613-619 NNP denotes Natick
T15131 619-621 , denotes ,
T15132 621-634 NNP denotes Massachusetts
T15133 634-636 , denotes ,
T15134 636-642 NNP denotes United
T15135 643-649 NNP denotes States
T15136 649-650 -RRB- denotes )
T15137 651-653 IN denotes as
T15138 665-674 VBN denotes described
T15139 654-664 RB denotes previously
T15140 675-676 -LRB- denotes [
T15141 676-678 CD denotes 48
T15142 678-679 -RRB- denotes ]
T15143 679-680 . denotes .
R6721 T15022 T15023 amod Electrophysiological,analysis
R6722 T15023 T15024 nsubjpass analysis,performed
R6723 T15025 T15024 auxpass was,performed
R6724 T15026 T15027 mark as,described
R6725 T15027 T15024 advcl described,performed
R6726 T15028 T15027 advmod previously,described
R6727 T15029 T15030 punct [,48
R6728 T15030 T15027 parataxis 48,described
R6729 T15031 T15030 punct ],48
R6730 T15032 T15024 punct .,performed
R6731 T15034 T15035 advmod Briefly,made
R6732 T15036 T15035 punct ", ",made
R6733 T15037 T15038 amod intracellular,recordings
R6734 T15038 T15035 nsubjpass recordings,made
R6735 T15039 T15038 prep from,recordings
R6736 T15040 T15041 amod identified,neurons
R6737 T15041 T15039 pobj neurons,from
R6738 T15042 T15041 compound quadriceps,neurons
R6739 T15043 T15041 compound motor,neurons
R6740 T15044 T15035 auxpass were,made
R6741 T15045 T15035 advcl using,made
R6742 T15046 T15047 amod sharp,electrodes
R6743 T15047 T15045 dobj electrodes,using
R6744 T15048 T15049 punct (,MΩ
R6745 T15049 T15045 parataxis MΩ,using
R6746 T15050 T15051 quantmod 75,120
R6747 T15051 T15049 nummod 120,MΩ
R6748 T15052 T15051 punct –,120
R6749 T15053 T15049 punct ", ",MΩ
R6750 T15054 T15055 compound 3M,KCl
R6751 T15055 T15049 appos KCl,MΩ
R6752 T15056 T15049 punct ),MΩ
R6753 T15057 T15035 punct .,made
R6754 T15059 T15060 amod Average,responses
R6755 T15060 T15061 nsubjpass responses,acquired
R6756 T15062 T15063 punct (,trials
R6757 T15063 T15060 parataxis trials,responses
R6758 T15064 T15065 quantmod 10,20
R6759 T15065 T15063 nummod 20,trials
R6760 T15066 T15065 punct –,20
R6761 T15067 T15063 punct ),trials
R6762 T15068 T15060 prep from,responses
R6763 T15069 T15070 compound suprathreshold,stimulation
R6764 T15070 T15068 pobj stimulation,from
R6765 T15071 T15070 compound nerve,stimulation
R6766 T15072 T15073 punct (,strength
R6767 T15073 T15070 parataxis strength,stimulation
R6768 T15074 T15073 nummod 1.5,strength
R6769 T15075 T15074 quantmod times,1.5
R6770 T15076 T15073 det the,strength
R6771 T15077 T15078 dep that,evokes
R6772 T15078 T15073 relcl evokes,strength
R6773 T15079 T15080 amod maximal,response
R6774 T15080 T15078 dobj response,evokes
R6775 T15081 T15080 amod monosynaptic,response
R6776 T15082 T15073 punct ),strength
R6777 T15083 T15070 prep of,stimulation
R6778 T15084 T15085 det the,nerve
R6779 T15085 T15083 pobj nerve,of
R6780 T15086 T15085 compound quadriceps,nerve
R6781 T15087 T15061 auxpass were,acquired
R6782 T15088 T15061 prep with,acquired
R6783 T15089 T15090 compound LTP,software
R6784 T15090 T15088 pobj software,with
R6785 T15091 T15092 punct [,49
R6786 T15092 T15061 parataxis 49,acquired
R6787 T15093 T15092 punct ],49
R6788 T15094 T15061 punct .,acquired
R6789 T15096 T15097 advmod Only,cells
R6790 T15097 T15098 nsubjpass cells,considered
R6791 T15099 T15097 prep with,cells
R6792 T15100 T15101 amod stable,potentials
R6793 T15101 T15099 pobj potentials,with
R6794 T15102 T15101 compound resting,potentials
R6795 T15103 T15104 advmod more,negative
R6796 T15104 T15101 amod negative,potentials
R6797 T15105 T15104 prep than,negative
R6798 T15106 T15107 punct −,50
R6799 T15107 T15108 nummod 50,mV
R6800 T15108 T15105 pobj mV,than
R6801 T15109 T15098 auxpass were,considered
R6802 T15110 T15098 prep for,considered
R6803 T15111 T15110 pobj analysis,for
R6804 T15112 T15098 punct .,considered
R6805 T15114 T15115 amod Monosynaptic,amplitudes
R6806 T15115 T15116 nsubjpass amplitudes,determined
R6807 T15117 T15116 auxpass were,determined
R6808 T15118 T15116 advmod offline,determined
R6809 T15119 T15116 advcl using,determined
R6810 T15120 T15121 compound custom,routines
R6811 T15121 T15119 dobj routines,using
R6812 T15122 T15119 prep in,using
R6813 T15123 T15124 det the,environment
R6814 T15124 T15122 pobj environment,in
R6815 T15125 T15124 compound Matlab,environment
R6816 T15126 T15127 punct (,Mathworks
R6817 T15127 T15124 parataxis Mathworks,environment
R6818 T15128 T15127 det The,Mathworks
R6819 T15129 T15127 punct ", ",Mathworks
R6820 T15130 T15127 npadvmod Natick,Mathworks
R6821 T15131 T15127 punct ", ",Mathworks
R6822 T15132 T15127 npadvmod Massachusetts,Mathworks
R6823 T15133 T15127 punct ", ",Mathworks
R6824 T15134 T15135 compound United,States
R6825 T15135 T15127 npadvmod States,Mathworks
R6826 T15136 T15127 punct ),Mathworks
R6827 T15137 T15138 mark as,described
R6828 T15138 T15119 advcl described,using
R6829 T15139 T15138 advmod previously,described
R6830 T15140 T15141 punct [,48
R6831 T15141 T15138 parataxis 48,described
R6832 T15142 T15141 punct ],48
R6833 T15143 T15116 punct .,determined


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T15006 83-96 GO:0005622 denotes intracellular
T15007 88-96 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cellular
T15008 124-134 UBERON:0001377 denotes quadriceps
T15009 135-140 GO_EXT:biological_movement_or_translocation_process denotes motor
T15010 135-148 CL:0000100 denotes motor neurons
T15011 197-200 CHEBI:32588 denotes KCl
T15012 211-220 GO_EXT:reaction_or_response denotes responses
T15013 256-261 UBERON:0001021 denotes nerve
T15014 322-330 GO:0045202 denotes synaptic
T15015 331-339 GO_EXT:reaction_or_response denotes response
T15016 348-358 UBERON:0001377 denotes quadriceps
T15017 359-364 UBERON:0001021 denotes nerve
T15018 408-413 CL_GO_EXT:cell denotes cells
T15019 505-513 GO:0045202 denotes synaptic


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
15836427-9096147-84719687 69-71 9096147 denotes 48
15836427-11459620-84719688 398-400 11459620 denotes 49
15836427-9096147-84719689 676-678 9096147 denotes 48
T19685 69-71 9096147 denotes 48
T91744 398-400 11459620 denotes 49
T84512 676-678 9096147 denotes 48


Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14912 171-181 UMLS/C1705652 denotes electrodes
T14913 83-96 UMLS/C0175996 denotes intracellular
T14914 308-314 UMLS/C1444748 denotes s maxi
T14915 113-123 UMLS/C1551388 denotes identified
T14916 284-289 UMLS/C0040223 denotes the
T14917 214-223 UMLS/C0871261 denotes ponses (1
T14918 336-344 UMLS/C0871261 denotes nse) of
T14919 284-289 UMLS/C1704250 denotes the
T14920 294-302 UMLS/C1705922 denotes gth that
T14921 267-278 UMLS/C1292856 denotes lation (1.5
T14922 284-289 UMLS/C0449243 denotes the
T14923 393-401 UMLS/C0037585 denotes are [49]
T14924 569-577 UMLS/C1546402 denotes s in the
T14925 475-477 UMLS/C0456691 denotes c
T14926 34-43 UMLS/C0884358 denotes performed
T14927 261-266 UMLS/C0027740 denotes stim
T14928 364-369 UMLS/C0027740 denotes were
T14929 206-213 UMLS/C1510992 denotes rage re
T14930 424-430 UMLS/C0205360 denotes e rest
T14931 389-392 UMLS/C0206249 denotes oft
T14932 562-568 UMLS/C1880202 denotes routin
T14933 592-603 UMLS/C0014406 denotes ment (The M
T14934 171-181 UMLS/C0013812 denotes electrodes
T14935 83-96 UMLS/C0178719 denotes intracellular
T14936 628-641 UMLS/C0024874 denotes usetts, Unite
T14937 21-29 UMLS/C0936012 denotes analysis
T14938 498-506 UMLS/C0936012 denotes s. Monos
T14939 124-134 UMLS/C0224440 denotes quadriceps
T14940 353-363 UMLS/C0224440 denotes iceps nerv
T14941 267-278 UMLS/C1948023 denotes lation (1.5
T14942 431-449 UMLS/C1704297 denotes ng potentials more
T14943 284-289 UMLS/C0392761 denotes the
T14944 569-577 UMLS/C1547137 denotes s in the
T14945 450-454 UMLS/C0439064 denotes nega
T14946 569-577 UMLS/C0205547 denotes s in the
T14947 261-266 UMLS/C0027769 denotes stim
T14948 364-369 UMLS/C0027769 denotes were
T14949 284-289 UMLS/C1632851 denotes the
T14950 569-577 UMLS/C1546438 denotes s in the
T14951 284-289 UMLS/C1547403 denotes the
T14952 562-568 UMLS/C0162343 denotes routin
T14953 113-123 UMLS/C1550043 denotes identified
T14954 113-123 UMLS/C0205396 denotes identified
T14955 58-67 UMLS/C1552738 denotes described
T14956 233-239 UMLS/C0008976 denotes s) fro
T14957 569-577 UMLS/C1547582 denotes s in the
T14958 294-302 UMLS/C0808080 denotes gth that
T14959 413-418 UMLS/C1269647 denotes with
T14960 413-418 UMLS/C0007634 denotes with
T14961 413-418 UMLS/C1948049 denotes with
T14962 171-181 UMLS/C1550631 denotes electrodes
T14963 171-181 UMLS/C1546616 denotes electrodes
T14964 521-531 UMLS/C2346753 denotes des were d
T14965 569-577 UMLS/C1549563 denotes s in the
T14966 450-454 UMLS/C0205172 denotes nega
T14967 408-412 UMLS/C0205171 denotes cell
T14968 165-170 UMLS/C1444775 denotes sharp
T14969 21-29 UMLS/C1524024 denotes analysis
T14970 498-506 UMLS/C1524024 denotes s. Monos
T14971 643-656 UMLS/C0041703 denotes States) as pr
T14972 315-322 UMLS/C0205289 denotes al mono
T14973 455-463 UMLS/C0205160 denotes ive than
T14974 569-577 UMLS/C1561591 denotes s in the
T14975 455-463 UMLS/C1513916 denotes ive than
T14976 375-383 UMLS/C1706701 denotes red with
T14977 413-418 UMLS/C1136359 denotes with
T14978 214-223 UMLS/C1704632 denotes ponses (1
T14979 336-344 UMLS/C1704632 denotes nse) of
T14980 261-266 UMLS/C1280541 denotes stim
T14981 364-369 UMLS/C1280541 denotes were
T14982 375-383 UMLS/C0439661 denotes red with
T14984 424-430 UMLS/C1547311 denotes e rest
T14985 135-148 UMLS/C0026609 denotes motor neurons
T14986 284-289 UMLS/C1548318 denotes the
T14987 214-223 UMLS/C1706817 denotes ponses (1
T14988 336-344 UMLS/C1706817 denotes nse) of
T14989 537-547 UMLS/C0521095 denotes ned offlin
T14990 34-43 UMLS/C1550369 denotes performed
T14991 413-418 UMLS/C1704653 denotes with
T14992 21-29 UMLS/C0002778 denotes analysis
T14993 498-506 UMLS/C0002778 denotes s. Monos
T14994 408-412 UMLS/C1720467 denotes cell
T14996 569-577 UMLS/C1548424 denotes s in the


Below, discontinuous spans are shown in the bag model. You can change it to the chain model.

Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
T14997 83-96 GO:0005622 denotes intracellular
T14998 124-134 UBERON:0001377 denotes quadriceps
T14999 135-148 CL:0000100 denotes motor neurons
T15000 197-200 CHEBI:32588 denotes KCl
T15001 256-261 UBERON:0001021 denotes nerve
T15002 322-330 GO:0045202 denotes synaptic
T15003 348-358 UBERON:0001377 denotes quadriceps
T15004 359-364 UBERON:0001021 denotes nerve
T15005 505-513 GO:0045202 denotes synaptic