The diluted OG-solubilized membrane extract (10 mg in 300 mL total volume of 0.5% OG) was loaded on a 25 × 1 cm column containing Phenylsepharose™ (6 fast flow high sub; Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). The column was eluted with a 0.5%-2.0% OG gradient in buffer A (300 mL total volume, 0.5 mL flow rate). The pR eluted at an OG concentration of 1.5–2.0%. Fractions having an A280/A546 ratio of 4.0 or lower were pooled (9.5 mg pR recovered in all) and concentrated using Vivaspin™ 20 concentrators having a 5000 MW cutoff (Vivascience, Westford, MA). A portion of the Phenylsepharose™-purified pR (1.5 mg) was diluted to an OG concentration of 0.5% with 0.5 M KCl, 100 mM acetate. It was then loaded on a 10 cm × 1 cm hydroxylapatite (BioGel HTP, BioRad) column and eluted under pressure with a 0–600 mM phosphate gradient (200 mL total volume, flow rate 0.5 ml/min). Fractions with an A280/A546 ratio of 2.5 or lower were pooled and concentrated for subsequent experiments (0.5 mg).