In principle, the genetic engineering of plants allows one to confer a trait of interest to different species and within a species to all the varieties of interest. To confer parthenocarpic fruit development, a chimeric gene has been constructed [6]. Specifically, the DefH9-iaaM gene contains the coding region of the iaaM gene from Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi under the control of the placenta and ovule-specific promoter from the DefH9 gene from Anthirrinum majus[6]. The iaaM gene codes for a tryptophan monoxygenase, which produces indolacetamide that in turn, is either chemically or enzymatically converted to the auxin indole-3-acetic acid. To date, the DefH9-iaaM chimeric gene has been shown to cause parthenocarpic fruit development in tobacco [6], eggplant [6], tomato [7,8], strawberry and raspberry [9].