CORD-19:b75e7f3f923023185daed6f29e5beca4eddfc109 JSONTXT 8 Projects

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Id Subject Object Predicate Lexical cue
p1_all0 101-142 Intervention denotes Glycoprotein Abstract Lassa virus (LASV)
p1_all1 171-205 Population denotes fatal hemorrhagic fever in humans.
p1_all2 210-235 Intervention denotes glycoprotein (GP) of LASV
p1_all3 605-644 Outcome denotes oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) complex
p2_o6 1002-1030 Physical denotes hypoglycosylation of LASV GP
p2_o7 1259-1287 Physical denotes hypoglycosylation of LASV GP
p1_all4 1259-1319 Outcome denotes hypoglycosylation of LASV GP and affected virus propagation.
p1_all5 1476-1481 Intervention denotes NGI-1
p2_i0 1476-1481 Pharmacological denotes NGI-1
p1_all6 2451-2456 Intervention denotes TUSC3