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PubMed:2881566 JSONTXT

Changes in the power spectrum of the evoked compound action potential of the adductor pollicis with the onset of neuromuscular blockade. The effects of neuromuscular blockade by atracurium and vecuronium on the power spectrum of the evoked compound action potential (ECAP) of the adductor pollicis were investigated in 30 adult patients undergoing elective surgery. The changes in amplitude and mean power frequency (MPF) of the ECAP were measured. Ten patients received an ED95 (0.23 mg kg-1) of atracurium and 10 received an ED95 (0.055 mg kg-1) of vecuronium. The remaining 10 patients did not receive any neuromuscular blocking drug, and were monitored for 6 min to exclude any time-related changes in the ECAP. Neuromuscular blockade produced a decrease in total power and a shift towards lower frequencies. This was reflected in a decrease in the MPF in those patients receiving atracurium or vecuronium. There was no significant difference (P less than 0.05) between the atracurium and vecuronium groups in the magnitude of the change in MPF. These findings suggest that the previously reported increase in the duration of the negative deflection of the ECAP is predominantly the result of a change in its frequency components.

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