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PubMed:9988230 JSONTXT

galectin-1 and galectin-3 expression in human bladder transitional-cell carcinomas. Galectin-1 and galectin-3 are galactoside-binding proteins involved in different steps of tumor progression and potential targets for therapy. We have investigated the expression of these galectins in 38 human bladder transitional-cell carcinomas of different histological grade and clinical stage and in 5 normal urothelium samples. Galectin-1 mRNA levels were highly increased in most high-grade tumors compared with normal bladder or low-grade tumors. Western blot and immuno-histochemical analysis of normal and neoplastic tissues revealed a higher content of galectin-1 in tumors. Galectin-3 mRNA levels were also increased in most tumors compared with normal urothelium, but levels were comparable among tumors of different histological grade.

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